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On Pentecost Sunday 19 May 2013, we held our Confirmation ceremony at the 6.30pm Mass. It was the culmination of two years of prepartion and all the candidates were elegantly turned out in their white for girls and black and white for the boys, candles in hand. Before the start of Mass all the candidates met in the hall for a prayer and then everyone moved into the church for Mass. Susan Freer gave a commentary on the upcoming Liturgy and the sacrament of Confirmation. Dennis DelCastilho led the singing which was lovely. Alison Pile introduced the candidates to Bishop Jason and the congregation. Bishop Jason gave an excellent homily comaparing the movie "The Core" to our need for God and God's order in our lives. Susan Freer read a second commentary on the gifts which were brought to the altar. A photograph was brought up which represented the confirmation candidates and the two years they have spent together. A red carnation flower was brought up representing the "thank you" which the candidates wanted to express to their teachers. The new chalice and intinction set were brought up. These were donated by the confirmation and first communion classes of 2013. The candidates were confirmed surrounded by their sponsors and parents and many commented on what a friendly, meaningful Mass it was. A group photo was taken and Fr. Andy took photos during the Mass which will be available for the candidates on the St. Dominic's website. After the Mass everyone went to the hall for a reception which was well attended and prepared by the confirmation parents.
Many thanks to all involved (Alison Pile)