Parish Community of The Purification of the Blessed Virigin Mary Laboire in St. Lucia celebrated Centenary Anniversary 1914-2014 of the church blessing and the Parish Feast on Sunday February 02, 2014 at 4pm. The Parish is served by Pallottines since 2011. Concelebrated Mass with diocesan and religious clergy was presided over by Archbishop Robert Rivas, assisted by Fr. Jacob Nampudakam Superior General of Pallottines. During the solemn Candle Mass liturgy consecrated sisters, brothers, priests and lay persons renewed their consecration. The centenary plaque was unveiled and blessed by archbishop. The ceremony was attended by St. Lucia's Governor General His Excellency Pearlette Louisy, and many guests from other parishes and abroad.
Fr. Jacob met in St. Lucia with all Pallottine missionaries ministering in the Caribbean: Barbados, St. Lucia and Belize. After the community get togheter he headed to Belize to meet the Pallottine Sisters who have lived there for over 100 years.
Fr. Jacob met in St. Lucia with all Pallottine missionaries ministering in the Caribbean: Barbados, St. Lucia and Belize. After the community get togheter he headed to Belize to meet the Pallottine Sisters who have lived there for over 100 years.