October 12 Presentation: The Good Shepherd
Hello Parents,
The presentation this Saturday is the Parable of the Good Shepherd (John 10: 3-5, 11, 14-16) along with Psalm 23: 1-3 as needed. We continue to expand on the Bible. Jesus came to teach us about the Kingdom of God (heaven) but it was a challenge because no one, except Him, knew what heaven was really like. We introduce the children to parables which are ‘earthly stories that have a heavenly meanings’; and let them know that this was one of the favourite ways Jesus used to try to teach us and that there are many parables to be found in the New Testament.
Through a serious of questions we help the children ‘discover’ themselves the ‘heavenly’ meaning behind this story that Jesus told about a shepherd and some sheep. We only proceed to discussing Psalm 23: 1-3 if the children come to the realization themselves that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. As I mentioned at the parents’ meeting last month, this is the children’s journey of faith we teach at their pace if they do not come to this realization themselves, we would revisit the presentation the following week.
In this class we will be introducing the children to the Order of the Mass through a Children’s Missal. The children will be permitted to take the Missal home as the intent is for the children to take and use them at Mass so they can participate more fully and in a deeper way but they will need to bring them back to Atrium each Saturday until we have completed going through the Order of the Mass with them.
October 12: presentation The Parable of the Good Shepherd / Psalm 23
Doctoral Content
Direct Aim
Indirect Aim
Catholic trivia
At Mass, we stand and say or sing the Gospel Acclamation. The priest (or deacon) then says “The Lord be with you” our response “and with your spirit” the priest (or deacon) then announces the Gospel to be read and the congregations responds “Glory to you, O Lord” and we all make three little ‘sign of the cross’ on our foreheads, our mouths and our hearts. When we do this we are saying: - “May I keep the Word of the Lord in my mind, in my mouth and in my heart.”
We look forward to having your children with us in Atrium on Saturday.
Remember God loves you J
Have a peaceful evening.
The presentation this Saturday is the Parable of the Good Shepherd (John 10: 3-5, 11, 14-16) along with Psalm 23: 1-3 as needed. We continue to expand on the Bible. Jesus came to teach us about the Kingdom of God (heaven) but it was a challenge because no one, except Him, knew what heaven was really like. We introduce the children to parables which are ‘earthly stories that have a heavenly meanings’; and let them know that this was one of the favourite ways Jesus used to try to teach us and that there are many parables to be found in the New Testament.
Through a serious of questions we help the children ‘discover’ themselves the ‘heavenly’ meaning behind this story that Jesus told about a shepherd and some sheep. We only proceed to discussing Psalm 23: 1-3 if the children come to the realization themselves that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. As I mentioned at the parents’ meeting last month, this is the children’s journey of faith we teach at their pace if they do not come to this realization themselves, we would revisit the presentation the following week.
In this class we will be introducing the children to the Order of the Mass through a Children’s Missal. The children will be permitted to take the Missal home as the intent is for the children to take and use them at Mass so they can participate more fully and in a deeper way but they will need to bring them back to Atrium each Saturday until we have completed going through the Order of the Mass with them.
October 12: presentation The Parable of the Good Shepherd / Psalm 23
Doctoral Content
- Jesus is the Good Shepherd; He knows us, loves us and calls us by name; the sheep listen and follow Him because they recognize His voice. The Shepherd and the sheep have a convent (promise) between them – You listen and follow me and I will love and care for you
- Jesus calls us to be a community
- We respond to His call by listen and following Him and He provides for us and gives us a full life.
Direct Aim
- For the child to ponder who the Good Shepherd is and to help them come to realize that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and the all-encompassing nature of the love He has for us.
- To lay the foundation for the children to discover that we are the sheep.
Indirect Aim
- To introduce a personal relationship with Jesus the Good Shepherd
- To nurture a personal prayer life
- To lay the foundation for the children understands of the Eucharistic Presence of the Good Shepherd (Jesus) to come later.
- To help the children to understand that the ‘sheepfold’ is the Church
Catholic trivia
At Mass, we stand and say or sing the Gospel Acclamation. The priest (or deacon) then says “The Lord be with you” our response “and with your spirit” the priest (or deacon) then announces the Gospel to be read and the congregations responds “Glory to you, O Lord” and we all make three little ‘sign of the cross’ on our foreheads, our mouths and our hearts. When we do this we are saying: - “May I keep the Word of the Lord in my mind, in my mouth and in my heart.”
We look forward to having your children with us in Atrium on Saturday.
Remember God loves you J
Have a peaceful evening.